Yep that sure is a nice certicficate damning you to hell you got there, son of lucifer.
fuck you
Calgary, AB
Joined on 12/8/03
Yep that sure is a nice certicficate damning you to hell you got there, son of lucifer.
That's not very nice >:(
And everyone of us hates you. End.
its nice to know that every one loves us
who gives a fuck pretty sure your just a 14 year old who thinks he is big badass when really your just a pussy
FUCK!, FUUUUUCCCK!, negative input from a random stranger on the internets!!!, how will i make it through my day to day life?, oh "teh dramas"!!!11!!!oneone!
I love you.
Oh god you just ruined my day...NOT
fine by me. i don't even know you
I think someone needs a hug. ^_^
if you hate us so much simply leave this website FOR EVER!
(you probably don't know what ever means and you're too dumb to read a dictionary so i have the bad feeling that you'll not leave the site...)
I love you
Even tom Fulp?
I dont even know you and you hate me... and after that comment, many will hate you too :)
have a nice day ,boy isnt he just the swellist guy :D
"yeah i hate you too bitch! ahaha no i'm just kidding can you imagine?"