ive tried to be nice to you in the reviews but all you do is make me angry.
For all the bitching that people do about submissions like this, they forget that its submissions like this that makes newgrounds as jawsome as it is. As for the movie, it was a bit lacking, but for what ya did have, it was AWESOME. Better than most of our flicks
i usally slag movies like this off but this one is quite funny for once ive seen rubbish on ere that the creator needs to b thrown off the cliff to knock sence into em but with this one its simple funny a great game to c which is the smallist pic and the song rocked
finaly a decent let's slag this movie coz of what it is
and trust me when uve seen the others u will think this deserves an award
Get over it. Nobody likes it.
and theres not gonna be a FUCKING FUCK YOU collection. It's most likely going to end up in scat, i bet ya.